Assalamualaikum,Dedaun maple pun mulailah kuning dan keorenan, cukup untuk melukiskan kanvas wajah Canberra dengan warna-warna cantik. Jalan-jalan yang saya selalu lalui seperti Ainsworth Street di depan rumah sewa, Empire Circuit ketika mampir ke pejabat, atau Somers Crescent yang duduknya Malaysia House, yakni rumah Tuan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi yang sudah dikosongkan - semuanya jadi kuning cantik tak terperi.
Sedang, kelam pun mula berkuasa sejak jam 5 lebih sedikit, dengan Maghrib bermula seawal jam 5:40 petang untuk hari ini. Dingin pun mulai berjinak-jinak untuk menguasai seluruh buana Canberra ini, dan musim dingin - sesuatu yang tak teringin oleh saya - akan datang dalam waktu dua, atau tiga minggu ke depan. Aduhai!
Maafkan saya, saya sedikit membenci akan kesejukan! Kalau diberi pilihan antara musim sejuk, atau musim panas, dan semudah ABC, saya memilih untuk musim panas. Pedulikan, orang kata musim sejuk cantik sebab ada salji. Endahkan, orang kata musim panas melekit. Tetapi, untuk saya - bersama datangnya musim sejuk dan kemalasan saya menjadi-jadi. Aduhai!
"Aku, kalau boleh, sejak-sejak masuk sejuk nih ... tak mahu ke mana-mana, nak duduk di bilik saja!" Hatta, menyambut bicara saya dengan tawanya yang terburai. Yang terbayang saat-saat mulai berdingin begini hanyalah gebar tebal dan pemanas elektrik. Teringat zaman-zaman di Jepun dulu-dulu, kalau musim fuyu sahaja, ia terlalu sinonim dengan kotatsu; meja rendah empat segi berpemanas dan mikan; buah limau mandarin yang manis-manis. Ah, dua benda itu sesuatu yang wajib mesti seperti sahaja menjadi budaya kalau di negeri sakura itu. Tetapi, saat-saat mulai berdingin di bumi Kangaroo ini, saya sendiri tak pasti apa yang menarik untuk diperceritakan.
Apapun, cabarannya tetap sama - susahnya kalau mahu bangun bersubuh. Aduhai! Boleh dibayangkan, dengan suhu yang kadang-kadangnya bisa sahaja turun serendah 0 darjah, sedang enak beradu di bawah gebar tebal, dan tiba-tiba bunyi alarm berbunyi demi waktu Subuh yang menggetarkan iman. Tercabar sungguh!
Nah, itulah pada saya, sebuah cabaran teragung di kala-kala kedinginan yang mencengkam tulang belulang. Dan ketika itulah terujinya iman seorang anak Adam - demi mengangkat sehelai gebar tebal yang beratnya tak lebih dari 1 kg. Termampukah, atau imannya itu tetap bergoyah dan ditertawakan oleh musuh-musuh Adam yang empunya namanya Iblis.
"Wahai orang yang berselimut!
Bangunlah serta berilah peringatan dan amaran (kepada umat manusia).
Dan Tuhanmu, maka ucaplah dan ingatlah kebesaranNya!
Dan pakaianmu, maka hendaklah engkau bersihkan.
Dan segala kejahatan, maka hendaklah engkau jauhi.
Dan janganlah engkau memberi (sesuatu, dengan tujuan hendak) mendapat lebih banyak daripadanya.
Dan bagi (menjalankan perintah) Tuhanmu, maka hendaklah engkau bersabar (terhadap tentangan musuh)! "
10 ulasan:
salam musim dingin yang menyucuk ke tulang sum2..selesema demam dan batuk berkunjung di kala ini...
salam..selamat menempuh musim sejuk...saya akan melarikan diri dari musim sejuk, harapan nya bila kembali nanti akan bertemu musim bunga....pasti cantik
Salam ziarah. Good post. Mudah-mudahan barokah
The ruling coalition has enjoyed an almost unbroken 50 years of 2/3 majority in parliament. The only time this overwhelming majority was lost was in 1969.
Immediately, the race riots were triggered, parliament was suspended and the National Operations Council (with 100% control) installed. The semblance of democracy was only restored after the major opposition parties were sucked into a new and larger coalition and the 2/3 majority regained.
The ruling coalition operates on the whip principle - component parties and representatives must toe the official line. Under no circumstances is a wakil rakyat allowed to vote according to his conscience or according to the mandate the people he represents gave him.
So what has 50 years of 2/3 majority given us?
* The Malaysia Constitution has been amended some 690 times. The USA has been in existence for more than 200 years and their constitution was only amended 27 times.
* The Malaysia Constitution is amended for matters as trivial as extending the term of office on the Elections Commission officer, simply to avoid facing rejection by the Agung.
* Because of the overwhelming power available to the executive, the judiciary has been emasculated and corrupted, the legislature has been reduced to a rubber stamp, the powers of the Agung have been clipped.
* The legal system is a sad joke, serving only further the desires of the ruling clique.
* The Elections Commission serves only to ensure that the ruling clique is returned to power.
Look at the statistics:
· In the last election (2004), Barisan Nasional received only 63.8% of the popular votes but has 91% of all parliamentary seats. All due to gerrymandering, phantom votes, voter relocation, voter substitution - there are even suspicions of ballot box stuffing.
· Umno received 35.9% of the popular votes, has 50% of the parliamentary seats and holds 71% of the ministerial positions. The other members of the coalition have been reduced to running dogs, wagging their tails and begging for scraps.
· Little Napoleons have been allowed to run rife and the rights of non-malay, non-Muslim communities have been trampled upon.
· The wakil rakyat do nothing even when constitutional amendments threatening these rights are proposed. It is left to the opposition members to highlight these alarming matters and try to prevent total steamrolling.
· Meanwhile, it is not like the rights of all malays are really being addressed. Claims of hardcore poverty among rural malays indicate that wealth distribution is not making real headway.
· Under the umbrella of the NEP, wealthy Umno leaders continue to steal the wealth of the country, feeding pittance to the people. And the malays are being deprived of the ability to compete and gain new skills.
· Under the shield of the NEP, incompetent people (skilled in politicking) are given promotions while capable people are being deprived of the opportunity to lead.
· Major national corporations and companies are blundering from error to error. We have lost our competitive edge in practically every field.
Change may not necessarily be better.
If we want to become better, we must want change.
We hold that power.
When will be the good day the Orang Asli come forward to utter their rightful word - "you all go back to your land of origin and leave us alone". Then malays, Indians and Chinese etc, can all pack and leave Malaysia for good.
The truth is that Umno has ruled supreme for the last 50 years. It always got its way because the dominant ethnic majority of the country always supported its policies.
The state of the nation is corrupt, racist, discriminatory, abusive, unjust, inefficient, and backwards. If Malaysia stinks then it is because Umno stinks.
If the "morals of the country" stinks, then it is because the morals of Umno politicians stinks.
I won't even discuss the morality of explosives and murder of foreign nationals as most people seem to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong in this instance.
Instead, I shall talk about Umno corruption and Umno racism as the former will occasion the disastrous downfall of this nation, and the latter will be the downfall of the Malays.
Umno teaches that it is just to discriminate against all non-malays and non-Muslims - jobs, education, schools, colleges, universities, business opportunities, government contracts, taxes, and even finding a cemetery to bury the dead.
Umno teaches that it is right to discriminate on the basis of a person race, culture, language or religious belief.
In front of non-malays, it speaks of tolerance and unity in diversity, and in front of malays it speaks of race, religious, cultural and language supremacy, and the glorification of power and ethnic subjugation.
Bung Mokhtar leadership role as characterised by a yobbish machismo, obscene gestures, medieval attitudes towards women and minorities, and strutting bigotry within Umno is not only not an accident of chance, but an exemplary example of Umno appeal to the baser instincts and darker fantasies of its ethnic constituency.
To the vernacular schools it gives a pittance for support, and to malay language schools, there is no need to be diplomatic and call them "national language" schools, it gives 100% support.
As for English-medium schools, the type that made Malaysia education the best in South East Asia, and our school leavers the most sought after anywhere in the civilised world, they were made extinct, courtesy of Umno language and cultural supremacist fantasies.
So we are left with unemployable graduates with deplorable job skills and prospects.
Umno policies caused a brain drain to Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, and the US.
Umno language supremacist policies caused the extinction of the best high quality education that Malaysia and the malays would ever know.
Umno perversion of the very idea of meritocracy in favour of racist discrimination has ensured the lack of meritocractic competition for all Malaysians.
Sooner or later, the malays will realise that denying meritocracy to non-malays guarantees that there can be no meritocracy for malays even within their own community.
The fact that there is no notable inferiority complex nor entitlement complex or NEP dependence amongst the non-malays is no accident.
If the non-malays were the dominant ethnic majority, and they had an Umno-like racist party to lead them with promises of ethnic supremacy, racial discrimination and ethnic privileges, then I believe they would have lost their self-confidence, self-respect and self-belief too.
Farish Noor once said "Umno ternak melayu untuk disembelih".
I agree, and if the dominant ethnic majority fails to see past Umno seductive promises of ethnic supremacy and false gods of ethnic aggrandisement, then we are all finished.
sy ada telusuri buku awk..nice dan sngat menarik..:)
Salam Adden; Akak di Sydney, macamana naik contact ni?
hi...saya terbaca cerpen anda di berita harian online ketika cari cerpen cikgu saya...nizar parman...menarik karya anda....kerja di msian hicom ye? saya anak saudara anoi...receptionist kat citu kan...saya ada ke sana kejap minggu lepas....sekarang masih di canberra...selamat berkarya!
Dah ada blog dah hang, dengan buku sekali. Fuh berjaya kawan aku ni. Harap-harap ingat la kawan lama kat UM dulu. Masa kat 1st kolej tengok hang berkarya dengan nafa kat dalam bilik study nihonggo sampai tertidoq. Apapun tahniah kawan, selamat berkarya na!
ex um
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